Departure and Arrival in Lokossa

Hello everyone, Bear with me, I’ve never been much of a public speaker in person and I doubt that will change with a screen in front of me. Also, I managed to get access to WiFi on my phone but it doesn’t seem to work on my laptop, so I will be text typing these blog posts for the time being. Alors soyez gentils s’il vous plaît. I flew from Anchorage, AK to Washington DC on Sunday night, June 9th 2019. I flew from Anchorage to Chicago (6h) then Chicago to DC (2h) and arrived at 10:30 am on June 10th. From there I took a Lyft to the 4H Convention Center for registration and orientation. I found that carrying my backpacking backpack (42 lbs) on my back, my carry on backpack (~25 lbs) on my front, my duffle (50.2 lbs) in one hand, and my “personal item” (~5 lbs) in the other hand was extremely heavy and I couldn’t walk more than 20 feet without becoming winded. And honestly I don’t feel like I overpacked but we’ll see how I feel in a year or so. Anyways, we had meetings all day Monday...