
Showing posts from November, 2019


Just your monthly update from Benin! I thought I'd tell you all a little bit about my mornings here in La Donga.  Days at site are so different one to the next, but at the same time they seem to blurr together. During the week, I get up around 7:30, make myself some oatmeal with peanut butter and Love Crunch Granola (my mom sent me a care package, thank you mom!) and of course some English Breakfast tea. If I’m feeling motivated that morning, I’ll do a short sun salutation and some body weight exercises. After I’ve broken my first sweat of the day, I get dressed into one of my modest tiss* outfits and am out the door by 8:40. My walk to the health center is 0.91 miles as measured by the health app on my phone. I live in la brousse (the bush) as my neighbors like to say, but I’ve come to really appreciate this morning walk (if it’s not too hot that morning). I walk outside my door and greet my neighboring maman in French since she is from the Atacora region and does not speak Y...