
Showing posts from January, 2020

A summary: the first five months at site

Hey all, I thought I'd update everyone on what I've been doing work wise for my first five months at site. I know that I've said multiple times that my work during the first three months is integration, and that's true, but that being said I've also done some other things. For example, the major (head nurse and my supervisor at the Health Center) decided to do a string of sensibilisations (health talks) in the surrounding villages of our larger village. My homologue Tychique acted as the translator for us, while the major and I talked about different basic health topics. The relais communautaires (volunteer health workers) from those surrounding villages would make a schedule with me each month and name their topic. For example, we talked about malaria prevention, treatment, and symptoms; nutrition and the three main food groups that should be in every meal for all members of the family; hygiene, for example the 5 essential times you need to wash your hands ...