Settling In

Salut from la Donga! I have officially been at site for one month! And as promised I am giving you a quick monthly update. My site has been absolutely amazing so far. I got really lucky with my site placement because I am not only surrounded by an incredibly generous and welcoming community in my village, but I also have a fantastic Volunteer support system super close to my site. My site mate Laura and I make dinners together a few times a week. One night I made ramen with eggs and some soy sauce for us, another night she made fried rice! My close mates Jacquelyn (RCH) and Brandon (TEFL) have met up with Laura and I to go to Parakou and Djougou (nearby cities) as we attempt to furnish our new houses. Our houses are coming along little by little, and I promise to share before and after pictures when I'm all done with mine, though that may not be for a few months. My work at site for the first few months as an RCH volunteer is to integrate into my community. To do that, I have b...